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Minutes Holden Finance Committee, April 11, 2012, HMLD

Members Present:
Jim Dunn, Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Don Mancini, Joe Dolak, Karl Makala, Marilynn Foley

Members Absent:
Peter Lacy, Rick Bates

Also Present:
Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Asst. Town Manager, Selectman Ken O’Brien

The meeting was called to order at 7:02.

Nancy passed out a memo from Recreation Director Denise Morano comparing Unipay vs. MyRec, a recap of the budget book actual revenue for F/Y 11 and a Five Year Plan for revenue and appropriations for Holden.

Nancy discussed the Five Year Plan with the Committee planning for the future anticipated revenues and WRSD budget concerns.

Nancy discussed the Capital Budget with the Committee also looking to future year’s needs of big picture items, such as Mountview, DPW Garage and a home for the Recreation Department.

The Committee discussed the old Police Dept Building possible sale or reuse.

In response to receiving the WRSD Assessment letter, Nancy will prepare budget cuts from the F/Y 13 Municipal Budget to present to the Committee in order to balance the budget.

Paul reported the State and Mountview Committee has identified Lamoureux, Pagano Associates as the best designer to do the feasibility study for Mountview School and the Committee has entered into contract negotiations with them.   

Don will coordinate the Finance Committee’s report for the May Annual Town Meeting.      

A motion by Al 2nd by Jim to accept the minutes of  April 4, 2012 was voted unanimously (abstained Paul).

The meeting adjourned at 9:02.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marilynn Foley, Clerk